
FC 103: Effective Feedback 有效回饋的藝術

本篇綱要:Feedback 回饋,是最常用的溝通手法之一,不論是用在上對下, 或是同儕間,還是下對上。我們常常把 feedback 視為自己對於他人的行為, 價值觀, 或是意見的看法的表達。困難常常發生在我們不認同對方或著是陳述敏感話題時。如何表達才能夠有效,才不會招致一連串的辯解,不會傷感情,,, etc. 常常讓經理人傷透腦筋,Feedback 的藝術也因此成為組織管理與領導學中的重要課題。 前一陣子紅極一時的書「秘密」,談到每一個人所處的現況,不過是過去所有選擇的feedback,所以希望以後有自己想要的 feedback,那麼從現在起集中注意力在正向的希望上。 NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming 神經語言程式學), 把失敗視為feedback的一種形式(成功是另一種 feedback),這樣就不會落入「失敗者或是成功者」這樣的個人識別認知。我認為NLP與秘密一書提到的 Feedback 的觀念跟ICA Feedback, 有異曲同工之處 – neutral(持中立), objective(客觀), open to the opportunity(開創新機的引子)

Impressive lines and take-outs from the Document_Effective Feedback

1. Feedback us a statement of insight that offered to the client from coaching’s observation. Coach sees things from our perspective, which the client is not able to see,

2. Feedback is always neutral and objective. It does not contain judgment or opinion. It is on the moment of observation, it is fact-driven.

3. When Coach provides Feedback that must make a contribution that benefits the client(coachee). Feedback can open up whole new opportunities for client.

4. Opinions sometimes fall under the “false label” of feedback, which disempowers the coach-client relationship.

5. Key points of effective feedback

    5.1 Ask for permission before giving feedback by “Could I share with you what I got from there?” “Will you   need a different perspective from my observation?”

   5.2 Share truthfully your own experience as an example from which to learn from

   5.3 Be responsible for what and how you provide feedback. 不是說出來了責任就了了; 反之說出來了責任才開始。

   5.4 Become aware of your opinions and judgments and then let them go. 要能覺察自己觀點與意見,並將之放下。

   5.5 Feedback is neither positive nor positive

   5.6 Starts with the “observing verbs…” such as – I hear… I observe… I see…. I notice… Always fact driven. Not I think… I interpret… I believe…(this is to describe the opinion)

6. Role-play is a great technique for clearly communicating and powerfully solving the situation. This help the client greatly to face and learn to manage the problem rater than run away from it.

7. Reverse role-play is a wonderful tool for clarifying the issue. The coach plays the role of client and the client plays the role that he/she want to communicate or deal with.

8. Active listening : The client may say something, but really mean something else. Active listening is a process of checking in with the client on what is being heard(mirror back), on the same level of understanding of the situation, A coach needs to constantly ask feedback from the client, which serves as a role-model for your client to experience the power of feedback and active listening. A feedback can be processed by the following approaches:

 “we have 5 min.s left. Tell me what did you get from today’s session?”

 “what did you learn? from your understanding, what would be the most valuable take out from today’s session”

 “Is there anything you would have wanted more of, or less of, from today’s session?

9. Comparison chart between Criticism and Feedback




Not personal


Opportunity finding*

Opinion based

Fact based


Often welcomed



Focus on the past

Focus on the future





10. If the client ignores coach’s feedback(permission being approved), it happens that the planting seeds that may sprout later…  So, giving sometime for wait-and-see.


1. 你在什麼樣的情況下會用 role-play 在教練服務中?

答:不管是身為一位教練或是顧問或是引導師,我常用 role-play 來協助客戶透過不同的身份(role-play)拓展/深入他們對於現況(某一事件)的認知。當他們換了位子觀察現況時,常常有意外(Aha)的發現。另外一個常用的 role-play的情形是找尋解決之道時,我稱之為「附身」法,如果你是某人,某人會怎麼做,Coachee 可以找任何一個他自認為最有辦法的人來「附身」以拓展創意發現無限的可能性。以前我在廣告公司上班時,做的獨特有有影響力的名人證言推薦式廣告,主筆的創意與企畫人員,就常常用這招,他們先花時間瞭解此名人,他怎麼說,怎麼走,有哪些眼神, 手勢, etc,再花時間透過訪問與這位名人對談,一問一答間,掌握此名人的特質與個性這樣附身的準備就差不多了,才開始動筆寫。

2. 提供一個身為教練,用 role-play 技巧有效的例子?

答:我的 executive coaching 的客戶(C)在一次的coaching session 中提到他自己處理與同儕間的互動,同儕A 與同儕 B 不睦,而他自己則分別被視為是兩人的好友,A C說,你教教我如何跟B溝通?

   我接著說 :「然後呢?」

C說:「我就把 B 是怎麼樣的人與 A 分享,鼓勵A直接溝通,因為這種事,越多人進來越麻煩,我不覺得我有能力幫他們」我接著說 :「A 有要求你幫忙?後來呢?

C說:「後來我發現 A 根本沒有很想知道 B 是怎麼樣的人,A只想趕快把事情搞定,讓公司可以運轉順利,我在A B 時,老是被打斷,最後我問 A,你希望我幫你做什麼?」

我接著說 :「等等你剛說自己不應該介入現在又覺得自己應該幫忙…? 在多說一點,你跟A談的時候感覺如何?」

C說:「對耶!我怎麼會這麼說???但是 A B 處不好對大家都有影響,我們是一個團隊。」

我接著說 :「所以


我接著說 :「OK!哪讓我們來瞭解一下,你跟A B 是怎麼樣的人的那一段,我要請你換到 A 的角色,看看A怎麼想,感覺如何,要的是什麼?(Role-play)?

Role-play 之後 C 發現自己的替 B 說項時,A有可能有被說教之感;同樣的事情,C 陳述 B 的觀點時,A 覺得自己被誤解,所以A必須對C說明真相原委。以致於C當時覺得自己好像被 A 期待要表明態度選邊站,所以很無力。


C :「我會先問 A 怎麼了?也需他只是想找個聽的人,也許他需要的只是一個 hug,等確定他要的是什麼,再開始回答。也許 A 早就想到可以應對的方法?我卻沒有給他機會讓他說說看。從他的陳述中,也許我也可以像你一樣找出其中的矛盾點,幫助A 更清楚的看清現況,我發現我們的這一段對話,你沒有表達你的立場

C 的最後一句話,是對我的feedback  我說 :「所以你現在覺得如何?更清楚自己要做什麼了?」 C :「Yes!」我接著說 :「所以你並不需要我的立場,對吧!」C接著說 :「歐, yes! 其實 A 也許也不需要我表明立場!」

My thinking after the above…

我沒想到,在結束前的一個無意的 sharing 會轉出這麼多的收穫,不單單只是對 C,還有對我自己,這是一次鮮明的感受讓 coachee 主導流動的方向,單從觀察做 feedback 的力量。我也感受到 Coach 的一舉一動對於 coachee 產生的影響與示範作用。



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