

Impressive lines and take-outs from ICA Document_ Responsibility v.s. Blame

-              In any given situation you are either taking responsibility or you are blaming. It’s one or the other(no third option).

-              Responsibility leads to freedom.  When you take it, you have access to modify it and have a feeling of power and freedom.  When you blame someone that she/he should take responsibility, at that time you pass the charge to that person.  And you are left powerless and often resentful.

-              Blaming ourselves is putting us in the victim position. It’s a way for an ideal excuse!( I have already blamed myself, what else that you could ask more?)

-              Responsibility v.s. anger – Taking responsibility is a great tool for letting go of anger, and for starting difficult conversations.

-              When you notice that you are blaming, you can gain freedom by admitting that you are responsible for it in any given situation in life.

-              Extreme perspective technique: When someone complains, ask the person whether he/she is 100% responsible for the situation? Then the opposite question whether he/she is 100% NOT responsible for the situation?

-              Blame can be a trap. It keeps us in the past and robs us of our energy.  Letting go of blame and forgiving others and ourselves, doesn’t mean that we make whatever happened right.  It simply means that we let go and embrace the present.

-              Blame/ complain is like holding a hot brick in our hand.  The longer we hold it, the more it burns out hand. Letting it go, the burning and pain cease. So letting it go has nothing to do with the other person, but it has everything to do with us. The same is with forgiveness.   As soon as we stop blaming and decide to forgive, we can let go of that which brings us pain, and embrace the possibility of something else.

-              Attributes of playing Blame Game: 1) Always look outside of yourself for those responsible for doing “it” to you.            2) Believe that you are powerless to change anything.    3) Accept that others are stronger, smarter and more resourceful than you.  4) You don’t need to make choices, others make them for you.

-              Methods to stop playing Blame Game:  1) know that no one can do anything to you without your permission.           2) Understand that responsibility is a privilege and start becoming responsible for yourself.     3) Realize that not making a choice is making a choice



  1. 責任是不是都是自己可以選擇的,有與生俱來的嗎?

答:有些企業第二代或是第三代的接班人,其實並不想接班,他們說不得不接是基於對父母的感謝,或是不願忤逆父母的期望,怕父母傷心或是不忍心長輩繼續勞心,家族對員工的責任。其實這些是你決定接班的考量,因為這些考量你選擇承擔接班的責任。換一個角度問自己,如果決定不接,從此自己人生的成敗必須全權負責;讓父母為自己決定接班,潛意識裡面有沒有認為父母對我的人生的成敗也該負點責任呢? 你的潛意識選的是不是自以為比較輕的那一個呢? 其實仔細想想,在接與不接中間,還有更多的選擇,什麼時候?用什麼方式接?接多久?不想接也許有可能是不想用父母要求的方式接,不是不喜歡這份事業。當你覺得自己是決策的主人時,選擇真的很多,不是嗎?

2.  Blame(指責) 誠實的陳述自己的感受之間的差距是?

答:陳述自己的感受的人要掌握的原則是不下評斷只表達自己的感受,並且不需要合理化自己的感受,你的感受沒有對與錯,就是你的感受;一旦陳述的人認為自己有這樣的感受是合理由(或是對方這麼做我有權生氣),這樣的感受表達,就已經屬於指責/抱怨的範圍了。 接收的人會不會把你誠實的感受視為一種指責? NLP 的概念是,從接收到訊息的人的反應來論斷溝通的成效,所以陳述的人,如果把此責任放在自己身上,自己就等於可以掌控溝通的效果,此時陳述者就會把精力放在該怎麼說,而不是把注意力放在無法掌控的對方身上。 當陳述者可以用這樣的角度來看時,憤怒,沮喪,埋怨就都退場了。

3. 我該負百分之百責任? 還是這件事百分之百是別人的責任?是否當百分百的責任都在我身上的時候我才需要負責?

答:我覺得這個百分之百的概念很有趣,人生在世與各式各樣,各種不同關係的人有著不同程度的互動。又有什麼狀況可以單純到像在實驗室一樣,可以嚴格控制到只有一個變因,在此變因下看結果;又有多少次是看到了結果才發現變因不是唯一?人與人間的互動,摻雜著期待,主觀的認知,環境,解讀環境的角度,責任歸屬的百分比,誰都可以定,誰也都可以否認。我認為重點是後果你要不要接受(這是一種選擇),誠實的問自己是否受到影響? 你的選擇決定了你是怎麼樣的人?有沒有能力處理?自己想要過什麼樣的人生? 當你選擇自己要負百分之百的責任時,你就有了百分之百的主權,即使別人不認為,你也會想辦法去爭取對方的共識,你總是有辦法進行下一步,不會落入我沒辦法困坐愁城的窘況。同樣的情形當你選擇你選擇別人應該百分之百負責時,這也是一種完全的授權,從此由那個人作主,此時不管結果如何,你只能選擇接受或是不接受,就算你選不接受也不代表你不受影響,你得問問自己這是你要的嗎?

4. 自我負責對你的意義是… ( 2-3 分鐘內,直覺的寫下所有的答案,沒有對與錯)



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